Auto Filling: userfriendly software
Sorting is primarily a matter of software. Our sorting software has been used for years in pharmacies, making it by far the most advanced software. The Auto Filling software package is equipped to handle the processes of Easy Filling, Roto Filling, and Speed Filling as standard. In addition to this functionality, there are further expansion possibilities, which are described below:

Auto Filling automatically places orders with the wholesaler for the medicines required for the sorting process. All Central Filling files are sent from your AIS to the sorting machine, where the medicines to be ordered are grouped together. The orders are sent to the wholesaler at adjustable intervals, one or more times per day.

Auto Filling provides visibility of orders in progress
The ordering module can split the order into multiple orders, separating stock orders from prescription orders. Using the provided manager software, you can have visibility into ongoing orders and review the details of each order, including what and when items were ordered. The ordering module is included in the standard configuration.

Inventory module
The Auto Filling software can manage inventory for internal use. The inventory is automatically adjusted as medications are used or dispensed. When the stock level falls below the reorder point, the software automatically places a new order for restocking. Auto Filling employs dynamic inventory management, eliminating the need for medications to be stored in alphabetical order. Instead, you can choose appropriate storage locations, and the software will remember the locations of the medications for you.

Efficient inventory control
For order picking, you can print a list that displays the inventory positions in ascending order. By collecting the items in ascending order according to the picklist, you only need to walk through the inventory once, which significantly improves efficiency. This greatly enhances efficiency as you only need to go through the inventory once. The included manager software provides visibility into the inventory.

Track & Trace interface
By integrating with Track & Trace software, it becomes possible to track the status of a prescription. This allows the Track & Trace system to have real-time visibility of the prescription status at all times. Once a prescription is ready, it is automatically communicated to the Track & Trace system, which can then provide information about a corresponding pickup location, if applicable. With this functionality, the logistics of your pharmacy are fully automated from the beginning to the end of the prescription process.

Leasing of our Software
To limit the acquisition costs of a sorting machine, we have opted to offer the accompanying Auto Filling software on an annual licensing basis. This concept results in a cost-effective purchase price, leading to savings of more than 50% compared to central filling. This cost-saving advantage is a common occurrence rather than an exception!